Sunday, December 10, 2006



Another pretty good week. The tendonitis in my foot just seems to stay the same so I will keep taking the drugs and icing. Although most of my training is between 6:30 and 6:40, I log all of my mileage at about 7 mins a mile unless it is a tempo, intervals or on the roads. This is something I have done since high school, it is similar to "Badger Miles" but not quite the same thing as they round everything up to the nearest 5 minutes (45 mins = 6 miles or 65 mins = 9 miles) and don't log half miles. Here is what my week looked like.

Mon. 54 mins - 8 miles (on the roads)
Tues. 70 mins - 10 miles
Wed. 49 mins - 7 miles
Thurs. 70 mins - 10 miles
Fri. 52 mins - 8 miles (7 minute warmup, 30 min. tempo - 6:00, 5:49, 5:52, 5:51, 5:42 and enough to make 30 mins, 14 mins down)
Sat. 45 mins - 6.5 miles
Sun. 92 mins - 13 miles

62.5 miles

just to be a prick, I notice you say in this blog that you don't log half miles but your weekly total is 62.5:)
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